Beli for Men Helps Guys Optimize Their Reproductive Health
Give Your Sperm a Boost With Beli for Men’s Innovative Fertility Multivitamin
Give Your Sperm a Boost With Beli for Men’s Innovative Fertility Multivitamin
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When Beli set out to make a comprehensive multivitamin to enhance fertility and improve a couple’s chances of conceiving, they naturally focused on women’s health. After all, it is women who bear the greater burden after conception, so it only makes sense that optimizing their prenatal health would also matter most, right?
Well, the more Beli’s researchers dug into problems of modern infertility, the more they came to the startling conclusion that we men are playing a central role in the problem. It was a light-bulb moment for Beli, and a massive step forward for the fertility industry.
In the words of Joni Hanson Davis, the CEO of Beli: “Fertility issues are on the rise. One in five couples will seek fertility care over their lifetimes, and the root cause for more than 40% of couples experiencing fertility trouble is poor sperm quality or low sperm count.”
The science backs Davis up: a recent meta-analysis of infertility problems found that a whopping 50% of pregnancy issues involve problems with the man’s reproductive system, with 20% of all problems being male-exclusive. And with our modern trend of delaying marriage and childbirth, fertility troubles are sadly becoming much more common: an estimated one in four couples in the developing world experience some form of infertility, with 15% of couples unable to conceive after one year of trying and 10% unable to conceive after two years of trying.
There is one important gender difference in infertility, however: whereas women’s fertility can suffer for a wide variety of reasons, men’s fertility issues almost always come down to a combination of low sperm count and poor sperm quality. The average ejaculation contains roughly 55 million individual sperm, but typically only fifteen ever make it through the female reproductive tract, and when you’re facing odds like that, it helps to have more than luck on your side.
There’s good news for the guys, though: your health is in your hands. You can take active steps to improve your fertility and boost your sperm count and quality. Here’s Davis again: “You would be surprised by how much power you have over the health and vitality of your sperm. It’s been well established that nutritional deficiencies in men contribute to risk factors around sperm health, fertility, conception, miscarriage, birth defects, overall health, and the future health of the baby. One of the easiest ways to increase sperm health is to take a men’s prenatal that is optimized for men’s unique nutrient needs.
That’s where Beli for Men comes in. They basically revolutionized prenatal supplementation by refocusing the industry on the neglected half of the equation: men. Their unique prenatal vitamin formula is designed to restore your sexual health by increasing sperm count, improving sperm quality and egg penetration, and nurturing infant sperm with the nutrients they need to grow. And for a limited time, AskMen readers can get 15% off by using the code AskMen15 at checkout.
Beli for Men
$50 $42.5 at BeliBaby.com
For $50 per month (before the discount), you’ll get a 30-day supply of Beli for Men delivered right to your door. The shipping is free, and Beli offers a “happiness guarantee” allowing you to return them for a free refund or cancel your subscription at any time, so there are no hidden commitments and no risks.
The protocol involves taking one vitamin capsule twice a day, and because they’re vegan-friendly and gluten-free, and sourced from non-GMO ingredients, they’re easy to incorporate into any lifestyle. For maximum effectiveness and best results, however, Beli recommends that you begin taking their supplements three to six months before you and your partner try to conceive. There’s a scientific reason for that delay: it takes the average man approximately 74 days to create new sperm cells, from start to finish.
But right about now you may be thinking to yourself that Beli for Men isn’t for you. You may be a man, but you’re not looking to have kids anytime soon, so you can safely take a pass. But all men need to be concerned about their fertility. Scary fact of the day: sperm counts are falling for men across the world, and nobody is very sure why. A 2017 meta-analysis found that men in North America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia experienced a whopping 59% decline in sperm count between 1973 and 2011.
There are lots of potential causes of this decline, ranging from alcohol and cigarette consumption to drugs, caffeine and dietary contributors, but the important takeaway is that there’s a strong relationship between your sexual health and your general health. Think of your reproductive health as the proverbial canary in the coal mine: if things aren’t going well there, odds are you are experiencing other issues as well.
Browsing the ingredients used in Beli for men, you’ll notice that most of them serve a general health purpose. In fact, vitamin D, zinc, and L-Taurine are common health supplements for men, designed to give them more energy, boost their immune system function, and rev up metabolism. But Beli for Men contains at least one ingredient you’re unlikely to find in a more generic supplement: Shilajit (pronounced “shee-la-jeet”). Shilajit is found primarily in the Himalayas, created from the centuries-long decomposition of plants. It has long had a reputation in traditional medicine as a source of energy and vitality (its name means “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness,” for Pete’s sake!), but it’s also been demonstrated to increase testosterone levels, combat chronic fatigue, and – most importantly – increase sperm count.
And is that so surprising? We men know that our testosterone can cause us to do some silly things, but it’s also the source of our drive, our will to push on in the face of overwhelming odds, to push out that extra rep on the bench press or run that extra mile before quitting. Heck, higher testosterone levels have been linked to higher wages and better employment achievements, whereas men with lower-than-average testosterone were more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, more likely to be obese, and more likely to have low sex drive.
The bottom line: Beli for Men makes you more virile, which doesn’t just mean more fertile and sexually potent, but also more vigorous, more energetic, more full of life. If you’re trying to become a father, it will help increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby, but even if you’re living the single life, it will help protect you from the steep toll our modern lifestyle has taken on male fertility. Think of it as a daily multivitamin with a focus on reproductive health, delivered right to your home and backed by a phenomenal customer satisfaction policy.
Take 15% off your first order with the code AskMen: $50 $42.5 at BeliBaby.com
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Source: AskMen