7 Little-Known Benefits Of NOT Having Sex
Stuck in a no-sex rut? Here are surprising reasons why it may be a good thing.
We live in a society that has us believe that if we’re not getting any, then our life is a failure. OK, that might be dramatic. But if you’re not getting laid your friends often look at you with pity in their eyes, as they try to console you with promises that you’ll have sex again, someday, even if that someday is five years from now.
Whether you’re abstinent by choice or because you’re stuck in a no-sex rut, the US National Library of Medicine says it’s part of a normal pattern of life. And to the relief of singles everywhere, “not associated with adverse health behaviors.”
While the health benefits of having sex can’t be denied — it’s great for your heart! It makes you look younger! You’ll live longer! — truth be told, there are actually some benefits of not having sex. Just like being single has its perks.
Not only does all that alone time help you in ways you never expected, but that dry spell, the one you keep lamenting over, is actually pretty beneficial, too.
1. Your body becomes stronger.
According to those who practice Brahmacharya (celibacy of their own accord), sexual impulses make the body become weak. They even believe that all diseases in the body can be attributed to giving into these sexual impulses. So, based on this, you can avoid all types of ailments, maybe even the flu this season.
2. Your self-worth skyrockets.
A lot of people struggle with body image and self-worth, especially when it comes to the opinions of others. Once you remove those “others” from the situation, you’ll find that your insecurities will be less and you’ll learn to love yourself on your terms.
3. You’re more likely to stay fit.
Between the killer workouts and the fact that you’re no longer binge-eating with your partner on the couch, your dry spell is going to get your body in gear.
4. You learn how to please yourself.
If we’re to be completely honest, a dry spell is probably going to lead to masturbation — and lots of it. In learning to sexually please ourselves, it will make for even greater sexual experienceswith someone else once that dry spell gets some water on it.
5. You don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.
If you’re the type of person who throws a party every time your period comes each month because you’re always THAT paranoid you’re knocked up, then a dry spell is exactly what you need to put your nerves at ease. Unfortunately, we can’t add STDs to this list because some of them can take months to show signs, hence the reason you should always use a condom.
6. Your life has less drama.To quote the Dalai Lama: “Naturally as a human being… some kind of desire for sex comes, but then you use human intelligence to make comprehension that those relationships are always full of trouble. Sexual pressure, sexual desire, actually, I think is short-period satisfaction and, often, that leads to more complication.” When you think back to your past sexual relationships, you’ll probably agree that this is one of the benefits of not having sex.
7. You appreciate it more when you finally have sex.
Just like when you go without carbs for a month then dive into a pizza, once you get back on that horse again, you’ll totally appreciate it more than you ever thought possible. But I think this one is a given.