4 Tricky Sex Positions to Treat Yourself on Halloween
Last updated:January 14, 2023
Halloween is upon us once again and it’s no secret that this is one of the best holidays for getting freaky. There’s a chill in the air that’s partially due to dropping weather, the excitement of fun-sized treats and, of course, seeing the most creative or sexiest costumes that allow people to walk on the wild side (we argue it’s foreplay, but either way we’re all for slipping into new roles for the night).
Whether your Halloween plans involve an outrageous party where you’ll dance to The Monster Mash or snuggling up with a special someone to watch a scary movie, here are some sex positions that are sure to make your heart race and your spine tingle.
1. If You’re Feeling Witchy…
The first illustrations of witches often depicted them in the nude, and you don’t have to look very far to find some academic speculation of the sexual nature of wickedness, especially when it comes to late night broomstick riding!
This position allows you to work your magic with a medium sized SMART WAND on both your clitoris and the base of your partner’s penis as your ride into the night, and the view will have your partner spellbound!
2. If You want to Moan & Groan All Night…
Think a slow-moving mummy isn’t the sexiest of inspiration when it comes to exploring spooky sex positions? Sometimes slow is the way to go, and this intimidating sex position is a perfect example. Sometimes not giving in to the short-term rush will have your blood rushing to erogenous zones more intensely than ever, so explore these heightened sensations!
The receiving partner kneels on the edge of a couch while their partner enters from behind. If balanced correctly, the topping partner will be able to stand more or less still while holding on to their partner’s ankles, and the partner can rock back and forth on their shins as they shift their weight. It may take a while to get you there, but you’ll soon be totally wrapped up!
3. If You Want to Shiver Their Timbers…
If you’re not opposed to navigating some rougher waters, this sex position is definitely sea-worthy! Lay back, relax and enjoy the motion of the ocean.
The topping partner gets to take the captain’s role as they enter their partner in the missionary position, then lift up both their partner’s legs high to delve into the deep. It’s perfect for adding a couples’ massager like IDA, and by adding a cushion underneath the receiver’s hips, you can also use this position for anal sex if you’re in the mood for plundering some booty!
4. If You want to Turn Their World Upside Down…
The Bat is a sex position so tough to pull off, you might want to leave it to the undead to enjoy. If you’re keen to try it, you’ll certainly need a very sturdy chin up bar, a lot of practice and even more trust in the partner who is taking you under their wing and supporting both of your weights.
If you’ve really got a thirst for some vampire-role play, may we suggest simply adding some sensual biting and sucking into your love-making? After all, we are well into turtleneck season, and what would bring back memories of Halloween fun in your youth like a few hickies? Leave them in areas where only you two can see them.
If you’re looking to explore some spooky play that isn’t necessarily sex positions, there are plenty of interesting BDSM avenues to try out, like knife play, pet play and wax play. Whatever new role or kink you’re taking on tonight, we hope you’ll be howling at the moon!
Katy Thorn
Source: Lelo