29 Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner To Feel Closer & More Connected
Ask each other these questions and be 110% honest in your answer.
By Deauna Roane
Written on Feb 13, 2024
Photo: Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels via Canva
Love is a profound and intricate emotion, capable of bringing immense joy, fulfillment, and connection into our lives. But, as anyone who has been in love knows, it also brings a labyrinth of complexities and challenges.
Despite our best intentions, we may find ourselves navigating through moments of doubt and confusion, unsure of where our partner stands or what they truly feel. Often, we believe we know what they feel and how they think — only to be surprised months or years later when we learn we were wrong.
These moments of conflict can serve as catalysts for deeper introspection, connection, and communication — but what if we can have that deeper connection and truly understand each other without all the heartbreak and conflict?
Navigating the mysteries of our partner’s heart is never simple and it often requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to ask difficult questions. Knowing which questions to ask makes a big difference. So sit down with a good meal between you and dive into these deeply revealing questions designed to help couples bond.
29 Intimate Questions That Help Couples Feel Closer & More Connected
1. What did you first notice about me?
2. What warning would you give yourself about me?
3. What do you miss from before we were married? (Or: What do you miss that we used to do all the time?)
4. What do we have in common? What are we opposite on?
5. What do you love to see me wear?
Photo: StarFlames / pixabay via Canva
6. What is your favorite non-physical thing about yourself?
7. What is your favorite non-physical thing about me?
8. What am I most sensitive about?
9. What are you most grateful for in life?
10. How important is physical affection?
11. What do I do that annoys you?
12. What song reminds you of me?
Photo: Volodymyr Melnyk via Canva
13. What don’t I value or acknowledge enough?
14. What pickup line would you use on me?
15. When was the last time you cried?
16. What is a superpower that I’m unaware I have?
17. Are you satisfied with the time we spend together?
18. What are your biggest fears about our relationship?
19. How can we improve our intimacy?
Photo: omelnytskyi via Canva
20. On a scale of 1-10, how well do I treat you?
21. What is my most attractive feature?
22. When was the last time I hurt you?
23. What do you do better than me as a parent? (Or: What do you think you would be better at doing than me if we had kids?)
24. What are your goals for our relationship?
25. What is the most attractive thing I do without realizing it?
Photo: Juan Vargas / Pexels via Canva
26. Which part of my heart do you wish you could heal?
27. What ways can I improve as a spouse/partner?
28. Stare into each other’s eyes for 30 seconds. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
29. What answer surprised you most?
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Deauna Roane is a writer and the Editorial Project Manager for YourTango. She’s had bylines in Emerson College’s literary magazine, Generic, and MSN.
Source: YourTango