Never Have I Ever: Hooked Up With a Pregnant Person
Here’s What It’s Like to Sleep With Someone Who’s Already Pregnant
Here’s What It’s Like to Sleep With Someone Who’s Already Pregnant
Have you ever played “Never Have I Ever” before? Here are the rules: Everyone puts up ten fingers, and you go around in a circle and one by one share something sexy or scandalous that you’ve never done before. When someone else shares something you have done, you have to put one finger down — and of course, drink. The first person to put all 10 fingers down loses (or wins, depending on how you look at it).
Well, AskMen is still playing Never Have I Ever, and the rules are simple: In each edition of this column, we speak to someone about doing something new in bed, whether it’s a long-time fantasy, something that just happened, or even something they regret. They tell us everything so you get an inside look at what some sexual experiences are actually like.
Scott, 42, didn’t know that he was so turned on by having sex with a pregnant person.
Then, just a few years ago, his wife got pregnant. While their sex had started to die out, her sex drive came back with a vengeance during pregnancy. They started having sex all the time — and not just in bed after date night, either.
They started having sex in public, at the park, and even at each other’s office. She even squirted for the first time during pregnant sex.
Unfortunately, they recently split up, and now, Scott wonders if the reason why he’s still obsessed with the idea of pregnant sex is because he misses her.
While reading his story may make you desperately hope they reconcile, if you’re concerned or curious about how sex may change with your wife during pregnancy, the story has a happy ending because all the changes that occurred are definitely for the better.
AskMen: Before you first hooked up with your pregnant wife, what were your thoughts about sex with a pregnant person?
Scott: I didn’t feel one way or the other about pregnant sex. Sure I’d watch a bit of that kind of porn if it fell into my browsing on cam or video sites but I didn’t seek it out. So at this point in our marriage, sex was on the way out, but while she was pregnant, her drive came back in a way I didn’t expect
How far along was she when you first started having sex again?
Well, we didn’t know we were pregnant right away, so I’d say maybe a few weeks after we found out? One to two months in.
When you realized you were going to have sex with a pregnant person, were you nervous?
I was extremely nervous. I had never fantasized about it one way or the other, and of course, I worried about hurting her or the baby. Not to give too much info here, but I often hit her cervix during sex. Sometimes, it was good for her, and other times, sex hurt even before pregnancy for her. So, adding the baby amplified the pressure for me.
Did pregnancy affect her sex drive?
She was frisky regularly, way more than before or after pregnancy. Once we got past the nervousness, the sex was constant, intense, wild, and kinkier (public, etc.) than ever before. The stuff she wasn’t too fond of before.
Wait, you had pregnant sex in public?
Yes, risky places. At the office, in a park, on a quiet beach. It was less about the thrill of public sex for her (it’s a big thing for me, though) and more about just kinda wanting to do it at random times, when the mood strikes, and so on.
What positions worked for you?
Doggy and her riding me, which was always our favorite. The angles are great as it is, but yeah. The pressure for us both was intense.
It was different when she was really big. I had to stick to positions that were more comfortable with her, and doggy and her on top were the ones that worked best for us. Later on, when she was bigger, side-by-side spooning worked well for us, too.
Was the sex hot for her, too?
It was hot for us both. We had only stopped using condoms while trying to get pregnant, so the thrill of cumming in her was already amazing.
As for her enjoyment, she’s a lucky gal as it is, as she can orgasm easily and regularly. But when she was pregnant, they were more powerful for her. She definitely squirted a few times, and it was the only time to my knowledge she has.
How did your sex life change after she gave birth?
Her drive lasted until she stopped breastfeeding. It died out big time, though, towards the end of the marriage.
Would you, or have you done it again with anyone else?
As for now, I’m not sure. It was sexy. When I’ve seen porn of it, it’s always been sexy and kinky.
But also, it might be about still wanting my ex-wife. As for whether I would do it again with anyone else, I wouldn’t seek it out but would be hot for it if I had another shot.
Quite possibly, I fetishize it, now that we’re talking about it openly.
What advice do you have for someone whose wife is pregnant and they’re going to have pregnant sex for the first time?
Communication. Find what works. Something definitely will, and it’s perfectly natural. So just talk through fears and find what feels good.
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Source: AskMen